Hauschild SpeedMixer® & Marco Dispensing Systems: A Perfect Mix of Technologies

Hauschild SpeedMixer Inc in Dallas/Texas and Marco System Analysis & Development, LLC in San Diego/California have started a sales cooperation. Hauschild SpeedMixer Inc in Dallas/Texas and Marco System Analysis & Development, LLC in San Diego/California have started a sales cooperation. Hauschild GmbH & Co KG (a.k.a. Hauschild Engineering,, the sole manufacturer of the Hauschild SpeedMixer® equipment since 1974, takes part at the virtual NYSCC (New York Society of Cosmetic Chemists) “Suppliers’ Day at home live week of Beauty”. The company shows its Hauschild SpeedMixer®, the decades-proven high-end-mixer to make air-bubble-free multi-material compounds, such as liquids, high-viscosity pastes, and powders. Not only the mixture – also the mixing process is the secret behind many cosmetics like mascara formulation, lip sticks, foundation, moisturizer, eye shadow or perfume mixing in soap. There are numerous applications in the cosmetics industry, where Hauschild SpeedMixer® is the key to success. Fabio Boccola, CEO of Hauschild in Germany says: “Hauschild SpeedMixer® are used to develop and produce hundreds of cosmetics in the US and worldwide. They were formerly distributed in the US by “FlackTek Inc.”. Now we will support our customers directly out of our new Hauschild SpeedMixer® Inc headquarter in Dallas/Texas. Soon we will roll out new subsidiaries in other strategic areas of the United States.” Hauschild SpeedMixer® generates air-bubble-free multi-material compounds Mixing is a critical and time-consuming task and the Hauschild SpeedMixer® have proven themselves as one of the most efficient and reliable solution to increase the efficiency of the laboratories’ daily job. The Hauschild SpeedMixer® generates air-bubble-free multi-material compounds, such as liquids, high-viscosity pastes, and powders. “As a world-leading expert of cosmetics mixing we provide support from the very first step of new products development. Our clients benefit from our more than 40 years’ experience and they can rely on the long-lasting quality of the equipment developed and manufactured in Germany. We also offer our customers to produce their cosmetics in our production plants in Germany and soon also in the US”, explains Fabio Boccola.